Microsoft OEM MS Windows Professional 2000 with Service Pack 4 (3-Pack) NL CD 1-, 0,65 Go, 0,006 Go, 133 Mhz or higher Pentium-compatible Central Processing Unit (CPU). Windows 2000 Professional..., Microsoft (MS) Windows 2000 Professional (3 Pack) - OEM
Microsoft OEM MS Windows Professional 2000 with Service Pack 4 (3-Pack) NL CD 1-. Espace de disque dur minimum: 0,65 Go, RAM minimum: 0,006 Go. Processeur minimal: 133 Mhz or higher Pentium-compatible Central Processing Unit (CPU). Windows 2000 Professional..., Systèmes d'exploitation compatibles: Microsoft (MS) Windows 2000 Professional (3 Pack) - OEM